Sunday, May 28, 2017


The World is filled with Medicines from small children to the aged peoples using it daily without

knowing its effects

Actually in our body we are having Immune System that is an Anti-Healing Inbuilt System that help us to recover our body to normal conditions,when we got fever or cold our body itself getting cured

but today medicines are quick fix type remedy,when we got struck the medicines act as a pain killer instead of activating our immune system.

Today's medicine world is run by the drug manufacturers and medical equipment manufacturers,

we have a lot of technology today,think of our elders there is no hospitals in earlier days///

read the following books to get the ideology

1.What doctors don't get studied in medical school
2.The World without Cancer..


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"Ransomware is a Theft not a Threat"

Last week the news "Ransomware Hit the town",everybody got shocked because of that blockage.

Its a lesson for all of us,because nobody is safe in this Digital World,,here are few examples i am



                  We are sharing our entire details accurately with all details to this unknown server,

(if you upload a image the latitude will be automatically updated),,


            We are giving "N" number of Possibilities to steal our data or documents by third party,but how many of us noted this?

3.Pirates of the Caribbean:

                                                              MS Office-Software-Pirate

Then where our documents will go???


Go Offline to save your Personal Data and Documents,,,,Today you can have a solution for Ransomware,,Tom it wont Stop,,,,,,    

Saturday, May 13, 2017


In today's world we are having fastest connection with the help of the technology,

we can connect to people even from north pole to south pole.

We are using a lot of Social Media Networks,

But my point of view is we are addicted to the technology we are using,so here i list the issues that i think we are all facing with the technology.

1. We lost our Man to Man Communication
(we also prefer to be Online- rather than talking to you a friend,family that is nearby)

2.We lost our Visual Compatibility
(we prefer to watch TV,Movie,Internet Videos but real children dance,Nature Colors Sight Seeing)

3.We lost our Hearing
(Ultimately we are gone deaf now - I watched a lot of people using Headphones while walking,
serious piece of shit)

4.We lost our Games.
(No Explanation Needed, Physically In-active)

So guys Think Think Think
please use the technology as a tool not attached to it,,,,

Share your views
