Sunday, November 26, 2017

Social Media Diseases

Social Media is one the most powerful tool invented by mankind,the greatest about this is connectivity,you can connect to any person in any part of the world.

The important and most used tool are Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Linkedin/Youtube/Whatsapp.
there are so many advantages in this tools you can learn so many things from this tools but it always has it own defect.

social media is killing us
social diseases

The following are the cause and effect of using the above tools.

* Likes and Shares
There will be always an expectation within the person posting some thing on the Social Media, but he doesn't get enough likes there is cavity created in his mind and lead him to think like he is not worth.
so don't depend or judge your self based on Likes,,Still some super heroes lives inside you!

* Happiness
The real happiness lies within you not by other posting some thing on what they are doing.

* Loneliness
Don't feel alone in Internet. Still some things are off the Internet too.

Don't believe everything you read on internet,always cross check with other authenticate sources.

only two things in life

1. Why this happens to me?
2.Why this is happen to some other?

so feel happy dump your worries, life is even interesting if you leave for while in this social media stuffs take a break,

Tool is thing we use for doing a work and after finishing the work we will throw the tool away from us like this we have to use Social Media.


Monday, November 20, 2017

How to earn money from Digital Marketing

Marketing means promoting our product to reach its end customers,there are number ways to market your product they are hoardings paper ad pamphlets bit notice TV ads extra.

But in this offline mode there is a drawback that is this ads we are showing is in the form of one way communication, there is no target audience and no feedback from the customers.

So in order to overcome this we are moving to Digital Marketing in this you can run ads at a low cost, specific audience you can get feedback too. So it is cheap compare to a TV ad that cost around lakhs/second.

more money easy way
Digital Marketing

If you wanna promote your product then go for advanced digital marketing there are few points to be noted for you to earn more.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

How fast your product is appeared in search engine while you type the product name
(On page,Off Page,Keyword planning,Google Webmaster Tools) please read e-books for these

2. Google Ad Words (PPC)

With the help of the Google Ad you can drive the traffic to see your product.

3. Social Media Marketing

The Social Media is a powerful tool by using it you can grow your business nowadays people are dying to use Facebook for more than 10hrs/day.

(Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Linkedin/Youtube) - General Platforms.

4. Google Analytics

Using this free tool you can have a series of results related to your website.

5. Blogs/Wordpress

You can have blog to support your business

6. E-mail / SMS Marketing - Sending bulk mails with customer email ID and Phone Number.

7. Content Marketing.

8. Affiliate Marketing.

So study and do marketing promote your product earn millions.


Friday, November 17, 2017

How you can reduce your Medical Bills - Generic Medicine

The Most superb hand writing in the entire world is "Doctors Prescription Sheet" nobody will know what he is writing in the little piece of paper expect the Medical Shop Guys. still it is kept secret for a purpose but we will also having less interest getting know about it.

What we will be having in our mind is if we eat or drink the medicine it will get cured actually only our positive thinking cures us rather than medicine, once you got sick you go to doctor he will examine your body and he will test you with his medicines that's the truth.

Every time he says "if not works come back again" now you got my point!

Generic Medicine - available at low cost
Generic Medicine

The Medicine world is run by big drug manufacturing companies they control every thing they will make or suck money from all of us.

The most unavoidable bills is medical so we will pay at any cost to get cure actually the doctor will write the name of the company which is having the chemical formula that may suits you to be normal, the fact is our body will become automatically normal by itself but we want an instant or quick fix solution.

For one Chemical formula there are multiple companies producing the tablets but cost varies from hundreds to thousands

The Generic Medicine is available in India you can ask for the substitute for the tablets or you can ask second opinion for the surgeries.

So you can save your bills


Friday, November 10, 2017

What will happen after death?

This was the question rolling in my mind several times, either we will know or not lets see deep into it.

There are several type of ends like Big Bang Theory or Chandrasekhar Limit Black Hole Concept while we look into religious point of view Heaven or Hell thing,judgment day the day where God will Judge us according to our activities.

hell or heaven
your time starts now
We don’t know what will happen next or someone is not going to tell what happens after the death to us because they will be in different world may be mars or venus there physical body is present but mentally absent from here.

We don’t know where is our life lies in our body also like the life is govern by heart lungs kidney spinal card nobody knows and no one has a control on it,
The event of death also un predicate-able we can die by accident or disease or while we are in deep sleep,heart attack.

The things in this world from the beginning to the end will remain in this world stand still we come as a Chief Guest using the things and leave it behind for someone else.
Nobody knows beginning and the end.

Suddenly I raise up at age of 5 we are into this world from that age only we came to know who we are, at the age of X again we are going to loose our memory, that is my guess.

But whatever we use to earn at this world we are going to leave it behind for no reason after death nobody worries for your achievements gold medal or own house car villa, they will take you every thing including Gold Ring.

So only our memories will be remain same so please enjoy the moment and do help for others.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dengue Fever Reasons

In this season most of them are talking about one particular type of fever called Dengue, most of  of them are jumping into easy conclusion that it is caused by one particular type of mosquito called Ades, actually we are missing a lot in it.

Lets go through the suspect-able fact of mosquitoes, there are some many thing about that tiny little creature but nobody having interest to look into it.

Ades Mosquito Causing Dengue Fever
   There are really few interesting fact about mosquito that are as follows:

* The world ancient creature is Mosquito.

*2.5mg weight with 47 teeths.

*While raining it is the special creature that able to fly between the drops.

*It is able to rotate its wing at 300 to 600 times per second - from that only we are able to hear the sound weeeeeee

*The Mosquito is having a life span of week time able to kill around 10 Lakhs Peoples around the world in one year period.

*There are 3000 types of mosquitoes in which only 80 will drink your blood.

*From Egg to fully developed mosquito it takes only 5 days.

*After 5 days it can start reproduction!!

*The world most dangerous Guinness award is given to this creature!

*The male mosquito is big and Vegetarian it will take fluids from Leaves of the Plant, the female is the one who bites and takes blood from human beings.

* While biting it will insert two types of injection type needle into our body
Needle 1 - Will help to stay the blood in liquid state.
Needle 2 - to suck the blood

The needle 1 will inject Anopheles into our body it is the saliva of the mosquito

The Cholera Dengue are been transferred from the infected person to the other through this Needle1

* The mosquitoes are having a love in women because it is been attracted by estrogen in women.

* The Mosquito Repellent are even more dangerous to lungs while we in hale the same.

So the ultimate remedy is to apply coconut oil from top to bottom on your legs and arms entire body also so that you can save yourself from the monster.

The Mosquito repellent companies earned millions of millions from this mosquitoes so next time you beware!!

There is no particular medicine for fever!! you closely absorb next time actually in our body there is some malfunction in our body so the that the temperature goes high after that we will put paracetamol

So we are always finding solution from using a pain killer!!! So rest of us i need no to tell,,

Mosquito is one of the possibility!!
