Friday, November 17, 2017

How you can reduce your Medical Bills - Generic Medicine

The Most superb hand writing in the entire world is "Doctors Prescription Sheet" nobody will know what he is writing in the little piece of paper expect the Medical Shop Guys. still it is kept secret for a purpose but we will also having less interest getting know about it.

What we will be having in our mind is if we eat or drink the medicine it will get cured actually only our positive thinking cures us rather than medicine, once you got sick you go to doctor he will examine your body and he will test you with his medicines that's the truth.

Every time he says "if not works come back again" now you got my point!

Generic Medicine - available at low cost
Generic Medicine

The Medicine world is run by big drug manufacturing companies they control every thing they will make or suck money from all of us.

The most unavoidable bills is medical so we will pay at any cost to get cure actually the doctor will write the name of the company which is having the chemical formula that may suits you to be normal, the fact is our body will become automatically normal by itself but we want an instant or quick fix solution.

For one Chemical formula there are multiple companies producing the tablets but cost varies from hundreds to thousands

The Generic Medicine is available in India you can ask for the substitute for the tablets or you can ask second opinion for the surgeries.

So you can save your bills


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